Trucheck™ 10 – 2,000 N·m

One of the concerns in putting a torque tester into an environment where people are not calibration specialists is that incorrect selections will be made with the potential of incorrect tool setting and consequently joint failure.

The TruCheck™ torque wrench tester aims to cut the cost of purchasing a torque wrench calibration system, and remove the fears over the complexity of using such equipment.

There are two versions available, the TruCheck™ being the most basic version, and the TruCheck™ Plus having greater functionality, to offer more flexibility.

In Stock


  • 43221*: TruCheck 10 – 350 N·m
  • 43226*: TruCheck 10 – 250 lbf.ft
  • 43222*: TruCheck Plus 10 – 350 N·m
  • 43230+: TruCheck 100 – 1,000 N·m
  • 43237+: TruCheck 75 – 750 lbf.ft
  • 43231+: TruCheck Plus 100 – 1,000 N·m
  • 43244@: TruCheck 200 – 2,000 N·m
  • 43245@: TruCheck Plus 200 – 2,000 N·m
  • TCACC.CW: UKAS accredited calibration – clockwise
  • TCACC.CW+CCW: UKAS accredited calibration – clockwise and counter-clockwise

* 43221, 43222 and 43226 supplied with 1∕2″ female square drive
+ 43230, 43231 and 43237 supplied with 27 mm male hexagon plus 3∕4″ sq.dr. socket
@ 43244 and 43245 supplied with 27 mm male hexagon plus 1″ sq.dr socket

NOTE: UKAS accredited calibration is from 5% to 100% of full scale for 43221, 43226, 43222 and 10% to 100% for 43230, 43231, 43237, 43244 & 43245.

NOTE: If you order a UKAS accredited calibration, this certificate will be provided in place of the traceable calibration certificate.


Norbar Tru...


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