Switch Operated Signal Torque Wrenches

Torque range from 0.4 to 200 N.m

Switch Operated Signal Torque Wrenches are process control tools that provide absolute confidence that the correct level of torque has been applied. As well as the Slipping or Breaking Mechanism, that reduces or eliminates the risk of incorrect tightening, the tool also sends a signal each time the wrench achieves its pre-set torque value.

This makes these tools suitable for production line control or to provide a counting function, as they can be connected to the customers production systems.

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  • Absolute accuracy and consistency. Accurate process control is ensured by eliminating or reducing under and over tightening, due to the unique Slipping or Breaking Technology 
  • Better production control. These wrenches confirm that the tightening process has been performed by validating that the torque wrenches have operated at a pre-set torque value. A signal is sent upon each successful activation of the wrench, that can be used to control production flow or count completed tightenings 
  • Cost effective. These tools can easily be integrated into most Production Lines as the output signal is simply a switch opening and closing 
  • Ease of use. Tools can be used with confidence by operators at any skill level, due to unique slipping or breaking mechanism


Gedore Swi...


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